11th Party with a Cause, Youth for Youth
Client: Si.mobil
The 11th Party with a Cause under the slogan Youth for Youth gave the opportunity for the supporters of the Party with a Cause to be even more active than in previous years. In fact Si.mobil organized a contest open to young people with a good business idea but without the capital necessary to carry it out. A month before the party, the supporters of the initiative could vote for the idea that convinced them the most. The winner was announced at the event and received a grant jointly contributed by visitors and the client. The novelty was highlighted at the event with a fantastic stage image.
The 11th Party with a Cause under the slogan Youth for Youth gave the opportunity for the supporters of the Party with a Cause to be even more active than in previous years. In fact Si.mobil organized a contest open to young people with a good business idea but without the capital necessary to carry it out. A month before the party, the supporters of the initiative could vote for the idea that convinced them the most. The winner was announced at the event and received a grant jointly contributed by visitors and the client. The novelty was highlighted at the event with a fantastic stage image.
Tags: social responsibility, design, assembling, marketing campaign, VBG, Facebook, music events