Development of the Facebook application for the campaign Beko Refresh

Client: Beko

Within the campaign Beko Refresh, we have developed an application for the Beko Slovenia Facebook page that allows users to nominate basketball playgrounds that they consider to be in need of renovation. To make a nomination, the users had to attach a photo of the playground, add a description and location. The list of all the nominated playgrounds was shown on the map of Slovenia and voters could vote for any listed playground. In total, basketball fans nominated 57 playgrounds, 10 of which, with the most votes, were renovated in spring 2014.

Tags: social responsibility, sports activities, marketing campaign, VBG, Facebook, production

The production of a series of music/racing events in the region

Client: PM

This regional project is designed according to a sieve selection system that enables visitors to smaller regional events in Albania, Kosovo, Croatia and Slovenia to enter the exclusive event, while the best participants in the activities at these events have the opportunity to participate in the fun-racing event in Vransko. The more than 9-month long project is distinguished by its software, creative, production, logistics and promotional excellence, and especially by the enormous enthusiasm of all the participants.

Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, marketing campaign, printing, sports events, music events, production, creative, invitations and registrations, events

The production of unforgettable parties within the SFF

Client: PM

Iron steeds, adrenaline, beautiful girls, good music and interesting activities create a unique environment for fun. We set up such a mini festival environment in the centre of Sarajevo, within the largest film festival in the region. It was a 6-month project, involving the thoughtful creative planning of the entire pre-production, including the corporate image of the event and production equipment, the music program selection, targeted personal promotion and a challenging multi-day execution that further strengthened the customer’s leading position within the product segment.

Tags: concept, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, pop-up, visual identity, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, printing, music events, production, creative, invitations and registrations, events

Event for young people with style

Client: PM

This project was intended for young people who like to show their style and want to stand out from the average. For a direct communication of the client’s brand, we searched for such people and inspired them in one of the most exclusive events that we organized in Albania, Kosovo and Slovenia in an interval of a few weeks.  The corporate image, the selection of promoters and event locations, equipment production and all support communication means all reflected a touch of exclusivity. The aim of connecting this exclusivity with the client’s brand was fully achieved.

Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, visual identity, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, marketing campaign, production, creative, invitations and registrations, events

Friends, fashion, cuisine, enjoying “at home”

Client: PM

The event, which literally aroused all the senses, highlights relaxed entertainment in the home environment, spiced with Italian temperament, exquisite cuisine, unique fashion events and a pinch of sporting luck. Only for invited guest!

Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, production, invitations and registrations, events