Kurzschluss #1

Client: FM & Black Pony

Kurzschluss is a pop-up club, a short circuit of the Ljubljana nightlife scene, offering a crazy whole night festival of entertainment by internationally renowned musicians. Every time, it offers the fun-loving crowd, striving for innovative approaches in the world of entertainment, a new experience of sophisticated scenography. Only for a short time, only for few sweet weeks in a special period of the year.

Tags: concept, brand development, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, pop-up, visual identity, scenography, rendering, marketing campaign, Facebook, music events, production, brands, creative, events

Cooking, cheering, hanging out together and having fun at Beko Home

Client: Beko

During EuroBasket 2013, Beko Home was a unique space for socializing, cooking, entertainment and learning about the client’s products. Visitors were able to directly experience the brand in a recreated pleasant home environment, where the whole family was invited to be creative, hang out in the kitchen and living room and share the fun. We organized cooking workshops, watching matches on the big screen, prize games for basketball tickets and fun kid’s corners. The sponsor’s products were discreetly involved in all the activities. The Beko Home was always widely visited. On the other hand, a genuine experience of the brand also indirectly influenced the increased sales.

Tags: concept, entertainment events, promotion, pop-up, scenography, children events, marketing campaign, production, creative

Arrangement of the Beko corner and the implementation of promotions in Shopping centres

Client: Beko

For the general sponsor of the basketball event Eurobasket 2013, we arranged attractive Beko corners in seven of the largest shopping centres in Slovenia. For a core activity in the corners, we used a Beko washing machine, which was also an integral part of the augmented reality game on the iPad. The best “basketball players” won a ticket for the game at EuroBasket 2013, while the rest of participants got practical prizes.

Tags: concept, sports activities, marketing campaign, production

Street promotions with the official EuroBasket 2013 mascot

Client: Beko

By organizing various promotional activities before the beginning of EuroBasket 2013, we were spreading cheering fever across Slovenia, while introducing people to the Beko brand, which was the general sponsor of the championship. The real star of these promotions was Lipko, the official mascot of the championship, accompanied by a hostess and a photographer. You could meet them in all the largest Slovenian cities, shopping malls and at events for kids. Children who were photographed with Lipko, were given a photo in a cute Beko paper frame, while adults were invited after shooting to visit the Beko Facebook page, where they could search for their photo in the album.

Tags: concept, sports activities, children events, marketing campaign, social networks

The production of a series of music/racing events in the region

Client: PM

This regional project is designed according to a sieve selection system that enables visitors to smaller regional events in Albania, Kosovo, Croatia and Slovenia to enter the exclusive event, while the best participants in the activities at these events have the opportunity to participate in the fun-racing event in Vransko. The more than 9-month long project is distinguished by its software, creative, production, logistics and promotional excellence, and especially by the enormous enthusiasm of all the participants.

Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, marketing campaign, printing, sports events, music events, production, creative, invitations and registrations, events