Print twice as much for twice as much joy and fun
Client: Hewlett-Packard
At various fun events, we set up HP corners for children and adults, where visitors of all sizes were able to try out the latest tablets and computers, while as a souvenir they received a photo printed using new and more efficient printers.
Tags: concept, assembling, entertainment events, plug-in, scenography, children events, printing, production, eventsThe production of a series of music/racing events in the region
Client: PM
This regional project is designed according to a sieve selection system that enables visitors to smaller regional events in Albania, Kosovo, Croatia and Slovenia to enter the exclusive event, while the best participants in the activities at these events have the opportunity to participate in the fun-racing event in Vransko. The more than 9-month long project is distinguished by its software, creative, production, logistics and promotional excellence, and especially by the enormous enthusiasm of all the participants.
Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, marketing campaign, printing, sports events, music events, production, creative, invitations and registrations, eventsThe production of unforgettable parties within the SFF
Client: PM
Iron steeds, adrenaline, beautiful girls, good music and interesting activities create a unique environment for fun. We set up such a mini festival environment in the centre of Sarajevo, within the largest film festival in the region. It was a 6-month project, involving the thoughtful creative planning of the entire pre-production, including the corporate image of the event and production equipment, the music program selection, targeted personal promotion and a challenging multi-day execution that further strengthened the customer’s leading position within the product segment.
Tags: concept, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, pop-up, visual identity, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, printing, music events, production, creative, invitations and registrations, eventsFriends, fashion, cuisine, enjoying “at home”
Client: PM
The event, which literally aroused all the senses, highlights relaxed entertainment in the home environment, spiced with Italian temperament, exquisite cuisine, unique fashion events and a pinch of sporting luck. Only for invited guest!
Tags: concept, design, assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, personal inviting, scenography, rendering, production, invitations and registrations, eventsBar set up at the largest fashion shows in Croatia
Client: PM
We set up a pop-up bar for the client within the largest fashion events in Croatia, Cro-A-Porter and, with full infrastructure, food and catering staff and enabled the presentation and sale of products.
Tags: assembling, entertainment events, promotion, plug-in, pop-up, scenography, production, events